Brooklyn Liberal Vibes
A fun community for liberal folks chatting about politics, rights, and culture.
Brooklyn Born Liberal 1956
CuratorWOKE AS FUCK NO CRYPTO NO Hooking up Happily married Born NYC in 1956 FUCK MAGA ALL LOVE IS EQUAL 🌈 Women's Rights No human is illegal BLM Met John Lennon Atheist Drummer Guitarist Genealogist
Journalist, lawyer, NYT-bestselling historian, songwriter (Hounds), poet, former CNN & BBC analyst and retired journalism professor. Bio: Proof: Retro: Hounds:
I am America’s Best Christian™. But you knew that. You can find exclusive content here: TITHE:
Houstonian | Team Sheila Jackson Lee Forever | Relentlessly focused on the next frontier.
Deciphering misinformation and disinformation on Fox JulietJeske #🟦 Newsletter/Podcast at Substack
Presidential appointee in Obama and Biden administrations. Served as United States Public Delegate to United Nations. DNC Lawyers Council Chair. Trial Lawyer. Music & Hockey Fan. Working to save democracy. @Weinsteinlaw at the other place
US REP for TX-30
Author, Lecturer, CNN contributor, Justia columnist, fmr Nixon White House Counsel, fmr Goldwater Chair at Az State Un., Senior Fellow, CCLP, Annenberg USC.
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