Diverse Voices in Culture
A vibrant mix of thought leaders, entertainers, and culinary enthusiasts sharing their perspectives.
Bernie Gerling
CuratorSometimes a Triceratops.
Waitress turned Congresswoman for the Bronx and Queens. Grassroots elected, small-dollar supported. A better world is possible. ocasiocortez.com
I’ve boldly gone into the clear blue yonder. Follow for more recipes and tips.
The need for independent journalism has never been greater. Become a Guardian supporter https://support.theguardian.com 🇺🇸 Guardian US https://bsky.app/profile/us.theguardian.com 🇦🇺 Guardian Australia https://bsky.app/profile/australia.theguardian.com
Kunta, Geordi, Reading Rainbow guy. Flies twice as high… #bydhttmwfi
You know... the weird one.
Carl Sagan was an astronomer, astrobiologist, author, advocate, activist, science popularizer, and science communicator who taught us the importance of understanding science. We miss you Carl.
Plank spanking, art loving dog daddy!
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