Famous Talkers
A lively group of notable public figures expressing their views and sharing insights.
Moxie V. Winters
Curatorofficial Bluesky account (check username👆) Bugs, feature requests, feedback: support@bsky.app
Waitress turned Congresswoman for the Bronx and Queens. Grassroots elected, small-dollar supported. A better world is possible. ocasiocortez.com
I’ve boldly gone into the clear blue yonder. Follow for more recipes and tips.
Believe in yourself! Work hard, never give up & anything's possible! OR: Kick back, relax & aim low: You'll never be disappointed...😜 I IGNORE ALL DMs!
Political commentary. Three billion views on YouTube. #1 NYT bestselling author. MSNBC contributor. https://linktr.ee/briantylercohen
This is NPR 🎙️
Long Time Internet Guy
The real jbouie. Columnist for the New York Times Opinion section. Co-host of the Unclear and Present Danger podcast. b-boy-bouiebaisse on TikTok. National program director of the CHUM Group. Send me your mutual aid requests.
Creator of the Universe. Daily free newsletter & animated podcast here: https://www.thegodpodcast.com
Writing and yelling.
Democratic strategist. Formerly Long Island Campaign Chair for Barack Obama; National Finance Chair of Draft Biden; Majority Leader of the Suffolk County Legislature. Gay dad of five wonderful kids. Duke alum. Proud progressive. #VoteBlue #BlueWave2026
You know... the weird one.
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