Glasgow Green Supporters
A lively group passionate about environmental issues and sustainable politics.
Glasgow Green Party
CuratorGlasgow Branch of the Scottish Green Party Get in touch: Join: All posts promoted by Glasgow Green Party at 19b Graham Street, Edinburgh, EH6 5Q
Scottish Greens Co-Leader | Glasgow's Green MSP | He/Him Short, bald, frequently appalled. Promoted by Patrick Harvie MSP, 19b Graham Street, Edinburgh, EH6 5QN.
She/her: Writer, Greens councillor, trans person, living with fibromyalgia My novella, Unexploded Remnants, is available wherever you can buy books
Socialist. Journalist. Troublemaker. Green. (He/him)
former nus scotland president 22-24 π» glasgow greens campaign manager πΌ columnist πΈ she/her, i/ise πΊ personal account, views own
Scottish Green Councillor for Dennistoun Ward | 27 | Doctor Who | Glasgow | π | π΄σ §σ ’σ ³σ £σ ΄σ Ώ |
Scottish Green Party councillor for Pollokshields. Father. Cumbrian. Evertonian.
Socialist, Environmentalist, Trade Unionist , Architect and Dundonian. Glasgow Green Party Co-Coπ β Unite-SAW | Views my own. | (He/Him)
Scottish Green Party councillor for Langside, Equalities & Sport Spox for the Glasgow Green Group and lover of Feminist Cities ππ« She/Her
Eco socialism, social media research and dogs.
Councillor - Govan | Comhairliche - Baile a' Ghobhainn Promoted by Dan Hutchison, Scottish Green Party, 19b Graham St, Edinburgh, EH6 5QN
(he/him) β’ nerdy β’ perpetually tired β’ my views are my own
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