Political Commentators
A dynamic group of individuals providing insights and commentary on current political events and social issues.
Nicolas Carmona III
CuratorWaitress turned Congresswoman for the Bronx and Queens. Grassroots elected, small-dollar supported. A better world is possible. ocasiocortez.com
This is NPR 🎙️
Founder @democracydocket.com. Chair of Elias Law Group. My dog's name is Bode. Visit: democracydocket.com.
American businessman.
Team game https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/Its-Hard-for-Me-to-Live-with-Me/Rex-Chapman/9781982197773
detroit native. deputy editor at huffpost. WABJ president. check out my free newsletter! --> https://www.whatimreading.net/
Democracy Docket is the leading digital news platform dedicated to information, analysis and opinion about voting rights and elections in the courts. Find case filings, news updates and analysis: democracydocket.com
Father, writer, photographer, drinker of Guinness.
Elephant Lover Yashar.substack.com Twitter: @yashar IG/Threads @yasharali
yeah, that one.
Transgender Menace 🏳️⚧️🇵🇷 Clinical Instructor, Harvard Law Cyberlaw Clinic. Gender & Tech. Bylines: Wired, Slate. Views = my own. She/Her.
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Political Commentators
Political Commentators
A lively group discussing politics, current events, and social issues.
Political Commentators
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A diverse group of voices discussing current events, politics, and social issues.
Political Commentators
Political Commentators
A dynamic community of engaged individuals discussing current events, politics, and social issues.
Political Commentators
Political Commentators
A lively gathering of sharp thinkers and voices discussing politics and current events.
Political Commentators
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A collective of insightful individuals providing political analysis and commentary.
Political Commentators
Political Commentators
A lively group of political commentators discussing news and current events.