Political Pioneers and Influencers
A diverse group of individuals driving change in politics, media, and activism.
Michael J Tyler
CuratorDisabled American veteran, father, grandfather, and great-grandfather. I love God, my family, and my country, and a patriot with sense. Moderate, but dislike B.S.
Waitress turned Congresswoman for the Bronx and Queens. Grassroots elected, small-dollar supported. A better world is possible. ocasiocortez.com
I’ve boldly gone into the clear blue yonder. Follow for more recipes and tips.
Entrepreneur Costplusdrugs.com
In-depth, independent reporting to better understand the world, now on Bluesky. News tips? Share them here: http://nyti.ms/2FVHq9v
Democracy Skies in Blueness
Special correspondent at Vanity Fair and host of the Fast politics podcast and MSNBC
This is NPR 🎙️
Mondays at 9pmET on MSNBC MaddowBlog.com From Russia with Lev: MSNBC.com/Lev Ultra podcast: MSNBC.com/Ultra Prequel: MSNBC.com/Prequel
UALawSchool |MSNBC & NBCNews |Podcasts #SistersInLaw & Cafe Insider|Obama US Atty |25 year fed'l prosecutor|Wife & Mom of 4|Knits a lot|Civil Discourse newsletter: joycevance.substack.com
Red crosses on wooden doors If you float, you’ll burn Actor/Producer he/him
Carl Sagan was an astronomer, astrobiologist, author, advocate, activist, science popularizer, and science communicator who taught us the importance of understanding science. We miss you Carl.
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