Political Stars
Connect with influential figures in politics and activism.
Waitress turned Congresswoman for the Bronx and Queens. Grassroots elected, small-dollar supported. A better world is possible. ocasiocortez.com
I’ve boldly gone into the clear blue yonder. Follow for more recipes and tips.
Believe in yourself! Work hard, never give up & anything's possible! OR: Kick back, relax & aim low: You'll never be disappointed...😜 I IGNORE ALL DMs!
Host of the Savage Lovecast, author of Savage Love. "A deviant of the highest order!" — The Daily Caller
Lift the pedosadist / trafficking networks and the entire global oligarchy will be in the net. - Heather Marsh, 2014 #OpDeathEaters #Anonymous
Influencer and Internet Personality Business Inquiries: KnowaInquiries@gmail.com Follow my other social medias 👇🏽 https://linktr.ee/knowadebaraso
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Husband, Dad, Granddad, Democrat, Minnesotan, Author, Human Cannonball, Comedian, Head of Midwest Values PAC, Host of The Al Franken Podcast, AlFranken.com
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