Politics Chatters
A lively group of people discussing current political events and social issues.
Betty Sabado
CuratorFamily and a grandson nearby. Love my garden. Be kind to others, you may need their help some day. No DMs. Democrat and proud of it. 💙💙💙
Waitress turned Congresswoman for the Bronx and Queens. Grassroots elected, small-dollar supported. A better world is possible. ocasiocortez.com
Recovering lawyer who may relapse at any moment. Contributor, The Atlantic. President, Society for the Rule of Law.
Special correspondent at Vanity Fair and host of the Fast politics podcast and MSNBC
Bronx boy. Cubs fan. Dad, husband, writer, podcaster and cable news host.
Mondays at 9pmET on MSNBC MaddowBlog.com From Russia with Lev: MSNBC.com/Lev Ultra podcast: MSNBC.com/Ultra Prequel: MSNBC.com/Prequel
Ken White, criminal defense attorney and First Amendment litigator. Co-host of Serious Trouble podcast and writer at The Popehat Report.
MaddowBlog.com Rachel: https://bsky.app/profile/maddow.msnbc.com Steve: https://bsky.app/profile/stevebenen.com
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